Youth Programs: Mountain Sports & Activities

We’re helping L.A. inner city kids enjoy the benefits of trail running, rock climbing, and snow sports.


Youth Programs: Mountain Sports & Activities

We’re helping L.A. inner city kids enjoy the benefits of trail running, rock climbing, and snow sports.

Trail Running

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Trail Running


Trail running provides an opportunity to challenge the mind and body while adventuring in the beautiful Los Angeles mountains.

Physical benefits include improving coordination and cardiovascular health and building strength. Mental benefits are just as impactful, as spending time in nature has been proven to enhance wellbeing and the challenges of the sport teach patience andlearning to make snap decisions. It also elicits a sense of belonging through the supportive community.


Anyone with the desire to explore the outdoors and challenge themselves, including kids of all fitness levels.


We will help build a strong foundation for running on trails, with certified coaches and experienced trail runners offering tips and tricks on building strength and endurance and remaining safe out in nature.



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We will provide our attendees with coaching, transportation, gear, and guidance on how to safely navigate trails using the latest apps and GPS technology.

Trail runnerGroup of trail runners
Young girl looking up on a trailBlack woman check her trail running time
"Trail Running has been one of the best activities I’ve ever gotten into. I’ve made life-long friendships. Trail running cultivates community" -Sidney Towers, @sidneytowers

Rock Climbing

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Rock Climbing


Rock climbing has grown in popularity since its inclusion in the Tokyo Olympics and is a team sport that requires  strong communication skills and building trust in another person through spotting and belaying.

It’s also a full-body exercise that builds strength and cardiorespiratory fitness and boosts brain power since solving rock climbing routes requires planning, decision-making, reacting, and coordination. Because it requires focused attention, it can also become a form of mindfulness meditation, which research has found can help with stress and anxiety.


All size, strength, and fitness levels.


We will teach our youth attendees different climbing moves and lingo, how to read problems, the necessary climbing knots for using ropes, how to safely fall, what tools are required and why, and how to properly communicate with climbing partners on and off the wall.


Local climbing gyms across the LA area (e.g. Cliffs of Id Culver City, Stronghold DTLA, and Boulderdash Chatsworth).


We will host weekly meetups at the local climbing gyms.

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In addition to our gym climbing, we will work up to climbing on real rock outside with certified instructors through our gym-to-crag program.

Black youth rock climbing outdoorsYoung black woman sitting in front an indoor rock wall
Young Latino girl climbing a rope on an indoor rock wallYoung kid clmbing an outdoor rock
"Climbing outdoors forces me to be present in the moment, which allows me to both physically and mentally connect with nature." -Pedro Martinez, @rogueyote

Snow Sports

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Snow Sports


Snow sports like skiing and snowboarding aren’t the first that come to mind when people think of LA but our local mountains offer it all!

These adrenaline-boosting activities are great workouts that build muscle and enhance cardiovascular capacity. Because the sport is new for most Angelenos, kids will quickly see growth, even in the course of a day on the slopes, boosting self-esteem and confidence.

As a bonus, the quiet mountains and fresh air provide a wonderful respite from the bustling city!


Anyone curious about getting out in the snow and on the mountains in a new way.


We will teach the basics of how to use skis or snowboards to get down the mountains as well as how to get on and off the lifts.


Los Angeles and California-wide mountain resorts like Mountain High, Big Bear’s Snow Summit, and Mammoth Mountain.


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With the help of a team of experienced snowboarders and skiers, volunteers, and parent chaperones, we will lead trips to the mountains for some snowy adventures.

Black skierBlack snowboarder
Young skierYoung snowboarder
"Snow sports teach you how to work with unfamiliar surroundings, I've learned a lot from having to constantly adapt to each cut in the snow and bump on the mountain" - Marcus Rentie, @frayedknizzle